Numerous worn out, too big or too small jeans pants,
cotton shirts, knitted t-shirts & pulls, ...
grandmothers crocheted wipes, old sheets, ...
were transformed into new creations / got new destinations
which decorated many living rooms, ...
but also gardens were brightened up ...
thanks to the weather resistance of the product
inventive planters were made,
fishermen, frogs, ...
Over the years, in combination,
with the now extensive Powertex range of nice extra products,
such as plaster sculptures, stone art, varnish, pigments, bisters, ...
phototransfer medium,
craquelé and rust powder, structure pastes, ...
as well as many other Mixed Media materials, ...
the creative and artistic possibilities have become truly infinite.
Both creative, beginners or advanced,
hobbyists as artists get and have unlimited possibilities
for their creativity, art & style.
this has often not been without trial and error,
often with many disappointments and failures,
to start all over again ... and frustrations.
Like me,
it took a long time
to apply the techniques in the right way,
to get to know products
and because of this a lot of (unnecessary or extra)
money and time has been spent.
Many (unfinished and / or unsuccessful) models
over time moved to the attic or cellar,
to finally end up at the container park
without even mentioning the numerous products
which stayed in the cupboard many years after the disappointing results.
all this, often because there is insufficient product knowledge (was)
and thus wrong choices were (or are) made
in terms of material use / technique,
insufficiently stable base structure built,
the coloring that goes wrong, ...
1001 reasons ... 1001 frustrations ...
because of creations that one did not succeed
As a certified florist at Syntra in Ghent,
I gave flower arranging workshops in 1998 as a secondary occupation
and I visited numerous garden centers in Belgium,
looking for nice pots, drying materials, ribbons, inspiration, ...
so also one day I went on a trip
to the large garden center 'Gaby' in Leuven somewhere
and there I saw for the first time,
besides many other nice creations,
that one big beautiful sympathetic-looking frog
which I immediately fell in love with
(no, not my frog, Jean, haha I met that prince much earlier ;-) ...
this frog was made with ... indeed Powertex ...
and that also became mine
1st Powertex 3D creation in 2007
and so I had a strong desire to learn more
and searched for information and workshops
during my sick leave (burn out)
i went to an Antwerp artist Carla Torhout
who worked with photos, texts, natural materials
and who gave painting workshops too
Here is a pPhoto of my first painting made with her.
I then started experimenting a lot,
followed left and right workshops, trainings, ...
until the day, in 2009, 10 years ago,
this to make a long story short, that Brigitte Grade,
the day after my open door days came to see me,
this on the recommendation of a Powertex Tutor Ingrid Weygers.
Immediately upon her visit to my studio and after having seen my creations,
having discussed my professional and creative experiences,
my language skills,
Brigitte has asked me to become Train the Trainer of Belgium
and later also International trainer.
Meanwhile, many years have passed
and I have trained many people from home and abroad,
similarly some of the International Powertex distributors,
hundreds of private individuals, ...
I have participated in the development of the
3 Powertex DVDs (editing / translations),
made models for exhibition and book publications commissioned by Brigitte ...
I estimate i in the meantime created more than 1001 models
(animals, paintings, home & garden decoration),
1001 workshops given, new trends set,
(new) product tests carried out, new recommendations made,
model descriptions made,
to help write and translate books, participated at fairs, ...
launched my successful online 365 color days project, ...
in addition, I am alsoworking with nice other materials,
such as marble powder, acrylic binders, inks, pouring mediums, ...
with which i make paintings with my Gallosh hat on.
Why am I telling all this now,
absolutely not to boast,
but rather to show,
that after so many years i have plenty of experience orking with
Powertex & Mixed Media materials,
and that i can call me an expert in the field,
next to that with my many years of training,
most of you who know me for some time
can confirm that the next sentence is my great motivation
and I also effectively implement this motto
in my courses, workshops, online videos, work descriptions, ...
with enthusiasm and passion
in my studio and live via online workshops,
e-books and e-tutorials,
my website, facebook,
my global Facebook group with more than 2000 members
I have been making notes for years
about everything that has to do with Powertex,
my experiences, my workshops, ...
do's and don'ts, tips & tricks, ...
Over the years I have collected almost everything
what was published on Powertex books, flyers, promo sheets, ...
indeed I am an avid collector
and a truly passionate Powertex addict
like I think many of you are too.
This is how the idea of my dream has been brewing for a very long time,
namely to put all that gathered information, experience, expertise, ...
in a nice library,
actually to create a beautifully arranged unique reference book,
such that all these theoretical and acquired practical knowledge
in a large complete digital reference book
of 1001 pages and more ...
I just want to make this happen for myself,
but especially also for you
my customers, tutors, Powertex freaks & addicts, ...
There are, as I wrote,
with all the extra Powertex products,
in the meantime so many (more) possibilities
that some people no longer see the trees through the forest,
have completely lost the north,
let alone not know how to start,
what to do, what not to do, ...
which processes to follow,
which techniques to apply, ...
the more because not always all shown
and explained information on the internet,
is correct in videos or in a workshop,
one says so, the other something else, ...
Mhhh, I'm not that old yet ;-)
and I hope to be able continue creating, sharing, ...
and no, I do not want to stop ...
I would like to be healthy and active upto my 100 years,
but one never knows what fate has in store with you
and that's why I want to start now
to make all the necessary preparations
to realise my great reference book of knowledge transfer,
mainly because I realize that with my busy & successful agenda
from the previous years and still now,
such a book is not written with a mouse click.
If i would have to wait till the finished book can be published
that would mean, even if I would start writing now,
you would have to wait for some more years to come
so I came up with a concept,
that will make it easier for me to make
my dream little by little become reality, ...
namely by realizing my dream step by step,
the large complete magical technique and information book,
in lumps and page per page
similar to the color project
that I started early this year and for which
I received a lot of response worldwide
and lots of favorable reactions.
The whole online book concept is now firmly established
(in my head and partly on paper)
and will therefore be step-by-step
the next days and weeks be worked out further
with great motivation and expertise.
Actually, the idea originated and grew on the basis of
a memory from my childhood.
At that time you could buy a booklet every week at the newspaper trade,
namely a part of the Summa Encyclopedia series.
Thus the budget of purchase was spread over years
and you could gradually build a nice and complete encyclopedia,
a financial expense my parents could not afford.
I have during my study years and also much later
consulted these abc booklets dozens of times
to find out what to do,
that was indeed still in time
that the animals still spoke and no internet existed yet.
In the meantime, each of us has a computer and internet connection,
but I myself, still am a paperwoman and so there are still many if I may believe it.
You lose a lot of hours while searching on the web, you see many other things in the meantime come along, you lose yourself in the info, the offers,
the many links,
you get lost, ... and in the end you do almost not even remember
what you were actually looking for; )
and you are hours later but not a step further.
The book will consist of at least 33 parts (you read that correctly),
be supported with online video technique recordings / info sheets,
so it will not be a meter-high or 10kg weighing physical book,
but one that you yourself little by little can start composing / saving /
(re)viewing according to interest,
according to your own needs and budget, selection
if you want to have/buy the pages of the online book
whether or not to print it and keep it in nicely personalized folders.
The chapters and pages will each time be numbered separately
according to section and you can put together your collection,
your own collection folders.
The videos can be saved on your youtube account
or revisited on my website or my youtube channel.
cheepers, what an introduction
why am i telling you all this
What can you expect ?
a unique & exclusive project spread over a longer period
and proposed in several separate sets
a reference book with correct material info & lots of techniques